If the zip files is the one I have downloaded or received from somebody then I do delete such after I have extracted it's content. But if the zip file is the one that I have created, then I maintain it there as long as I need it in the future, the reason why I maintain the zip file is that when I have updated the contents and want to zip it again, it is faster since the program will only change its contents because the file was already in there.
Sensible approach and useful response. Thanks a trillion! I always delete them. I don't see any point in keeping them around when they'll just end up making my computer much slower than it already is. I make sure the file unzipped correctly and then I put it in the recycle bin. Once I'm sure everything is good, I clean out my recycling bin every few days. Duplicate File Remover Scans and removes duplicate documents, photos, videos, mp3 files Remo Backup Highly encrypted and secure multi device personal cloud storage to keep your data safe and synced Register Now.
Updated on October 08, Utilize the Remo Recovery; a user-friendly tool designed with advanced features to recover more than file formats. If your RAR file is corrupt or severely virus-infected, then the anti-virus program used in the system deletes it.
Interruptions while transferring RAR files. How to Recover deleted RAR files? Locate the deleted RAR files which you want to get back.
Right-click on the selected RAR files and hit Restore. Can I retrieve permanently deleted RAR files? Subscribe to Confident Computing! Less frustration and more confidence, solutions, answers, and tips in your inbox every week. Download right-click, Save-As Duration: — 8. It might be different yet again by the time you read this. I have some OLD downloads that are 10 to 15 years old, some of those are bough softwares, from now out of business vendors, that I still use regularly.
Doing it twice, or more, a year is only for peoples that are doing researches, testing and other things that may corrupt the OS or worst or that demand a clean slate state.
He just said that he, given his very special use of his computer, regularly did clean reinstalls. Not twice a year, no, but periodically is indeed a good idea.
You have great articles, and I read them often. Could you please make them less wordy. I have to read and read to get the answer. Could you just say mostly yes or no and then briefly delineate. Unfortunately answers are rarely just yes or no, and require explanation so that individuals can take the actions most appropriate to their situation. I get that some one may like a short and sweet answer; but the reality is, I am sure there are many of us who appreciate the explanations.
It helps fill in the blanks for what is or may be happening. Now, What about windows set up files. Are there parts of windows that can be archived the same way?
Are there other setup files on a machine that might be archived as well. Keeping a machine organized seems really overwhelming sometimes. I remember my first computer loading dos up and then loading the program you would use, one at a time… No windows to switch programs with, at least not until Atari came out with a better unit and hard drives….
I guess what the original poster is asking for is a tl;tr geek speak for Too Long To Read — a short summary. Leo, Thanks for answering this question, particularly because I was who asked it. In fact, Leo, on the fifth birthday of my workhorse Studio, I owe you the biggest thanks of all that my favorite electronic child is still thriving. I am a walking, talking recent example of why those install files are so precious. Among my reinstalls were Quicken 99 and Acrobat Pro 8.
Both products are deprecated and no longer supported. The vendors, after all, have a vested interest in getting us to abandon our oldies but goodies. While documents won't take up much space on modern hard drives, large picture files for advertisements, videos and music files can quickly overrun your computer's storage capacity.
Next, removing downloads will make finding files easier. Your downloads folder isn't always the most organized place on your computer and deleting files you don't need will make it easier to locate the one you do need next time you search for it.
The main danger of deleting a file you downloaded to your computer is that you won't be able to use the file again. If you downloaded a contract to review, made changes and then delete the file without saving it with a different name or in a new folder, you'll lose your changes.
If the file is necessary to a program you have installed on your computer, removing the downloaded file may cause the program to experience errors or work incorrectly.
If you notice your computer running more slowly than usual, it may be due to hard disk fragmentation.