Few apps provide the larger screen versions that support windows, mac, and PC by default. But when there is no official large screen support, we need to find a way to install and use it. If you have any questions or face any issues, please let us know by posting in the comment section below. In this first method, we will use Blustacks Emulator to install and use the mobile apps.
So here is a little detail about Bluestacks before we start using them. BlueStacks is one of the earliest and most used emulators to run Android applications on your Windows PC. It runs apps smoother and faster compared to its competitors.
So you should try this method first before trying other methods as it is easy, seamless, and smooth. If the above method doesn't work for you for some reason, then you can try this method - 2. MemuPlay is simple and easy-to-use software. Some interesting features of WISO steuer: Mar 27, Aug 10, The ideal solution for employees, workers, civil servants, pensioners, pensioners, investors, landlords and the self-employed. Full convenience: Many useful assistants and data imports.
Of course, with the document call-off for the pre-filled tax return VaSt. And even more convenient with the tax: call from Buhl! Complete your tax return on the iPad or in the web browser! WISO steuer: Disk Space: MB free space needed for this app.